Maintaining good oral health is essential for your overall well-being. Merely brushing your teeth is not enough as flossing holds a vital role in preserving the health of your teeth and gums.
Some dental floss is coated with substances that make it easier to slide between teeth, notably PFAS, a group of chemicals now linked to many health problems. Others use flavors made with ...
In reality, the dental floss is fragranced with the aroma of strawberries ... coated with coconut oil and nontoxic microcrystalline wax, which gives it its thickness and slight waxiness.
waxed floss might be the way to go. Unwaxed floss will work just as well, but might break easier in the process. If you are ...
Is it true that your tooth shape and other things may dictate how you’re supposed to floss? Dental experts recommend flossing teeth at least once a day, ideally before bed. The goal is to remove ...
With some thin and waxed flosses, wedging sends the thread painfully into my gums, like a deli’s wire cheese slicer. Seeking gentler floss, I dabbled in high-pile, fuzzy flosses, but I hated ...