High Carbon Footprint of Production Fast fashion brands aim to quickly bring the latest trends from the runway to retail outlets at a low cost. This rush results in energy-intensive production ...
Nichols, a fashion devotee and the founder of Vintage Frills Chicago, felt the impact of vintage myths first-hand, now ...
Pamela James is a leader in the fashion industry. Here's why she believes modularity can help the industry's sustainability ...
Fast fashion is responsible for about 10 per cent of global carbon emissions - more than all international flights and ...
Next City reports on the struggle donation centers face to handle tens of thousands of pounds of unwanted clothing and what ...
Retailers can create a circular economy by encouraging customers to recycle old garments, repair worn items, or swap clothing ...
A sweeping new US tariff on products made in China spells an uncertain future for fast fashion - but is this positive news for the climate ... However, the rule change is likely to result in ...