I believe I am being asked to pay £1,300 in taxes on interest I can't yet access. Do I owe this money and what are the rules?
The Personal Tax Allowance is £12,570, but it can be increased to £14,064 if you are able to claim the Married Tax Allowance ...
If I file my tax return and pay the bill and it later turns out that the calculations or my tax code weren't correct, can I ...
A personal finance expert has warned that many savers might find they become liable to a tax payment due to interest accrued ...
HMRC estimated earlier this week that 3.4 million people still had to file their tax return or face an ... expenses method that makes this calculation straightforward Don't forget software ...
HMRC self assessment tax return deadlines are looming for many regular side hustles including Vinted, eBay and Air BnB.
In this example you would pay 20 per cent tax on ... to do that. HMRC will estimate the interest you will earn, based on what you have earned in previous years, to make the calculation.