The film stars Zoe Saldana as Rita, a lawyer forcibly recruited by a crime boss, Manitas, played by Karla Sofía Gascón, who ...
"Emilia Perez," starring Karla Sofía Gascón, Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldaña, has been criticized for its quality, authenticity, ...
“Emilia Pérez” won four Golden Globes on Jan. 5, including two best picture awards in the musical/comedy and non-English ...
The ongoing controversy surrounding the France-filmed Emilia Pérez, which leads this year's Oscars nominations with 13 total nods, has led to the release of a Mexican short film that playfully flips ...
“Emilia Pérez,” though, may be its best chance yet. It became the most nominated non-English language film ever, surpassing Netflix’s own “Roma,” which scored 10 nominations.