Scientists say they were able to wipe out one such hive just as several queen hornets were about to emerge, likely going on to form new hives, officials said. “I’ve gotta tell you, as an ...
YouTube channel Insects Sniper has captured time-lapse footage an Asian giant hornet queen building her nest over a three-day period. The nest is made from chewed wood and saliva which gives it a ...
An expert said 189 queen Asian hornets were found in Jersey this time last year Fewer queen Asian hornets have been captured in Jersey this year, an expert said. Alastair Christie, Jersey's Asian ...
Mr Harris, who works for the States' Countryside and Land Management Services, said staff had found 15 queen hornets and three nests in Guernsey last year. He added that the number of hornets ...
The project captures queen hornets as they emerge from hibernation Guernsey's Asian hornet strategy has begun its fourth year in a bid to keep numbers of the invasive insect low. The Spring ...