Woodrow Wilson's record on race relations ... leading non-violent protests not only against plays and films such as Birth of a Nation which had glorified the Ku Klux Klan, but also against ...
President Woodrow Wilson had just finished watching the White House screening of “Birth of a Nation,” an audaciously racist silent film released by D.W. Griffith in 1915, becoming Hollywood ...
The Wilson family bible records Thomas Woodrow Wilson's birth in Staunton ... Wilson sought to build the university into the nation's foremost center of scholarship. He proposed sweeping ...
It has been more than 100 years since the last New Jersey Governor was elevated to the White House. But recent history has shown people are interested.
Lincoln Motion Picture Company was the first black owned film company in the United States, founded in response to ...
President Woodrow Wilson facilitated the segregation of a diverse federal workforce, where Black and White professionals had been working together for years.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 1924 (UP) - A nation's sorrow at the death of Woodrow Wilson was expressed today in the silencing of the wheels of government, flags drooping at half staff and a proclamation ...