Winona Ryder is known for many iconic roles, such as parts in 'Heathers' and 'Stranger Things', but there was one she was ...
The actor who refused to look at a nude Meryl Streep was Leonardo DiCaprio, who took issue with a naked gag included at the ...
Johnny Depp's least favourite kind of acting is studio-based, greenscreen performing, which he dealt with in 2010's 'Alice in ...
The scene that gave Jim Carrey PTSD was the bungee jump in 2009's 'Yes Man', which he performed for real and admitted to ...
Brad Pitt is defined by his portrayal of many iconic characters over the years, but there is one role he desperately tried to ...
Morgan Freeman's favourite movie is a gorgeous, contentious classic that has been troubling critics for decades. Read more ...
John Lennon may have been in recovery after The Beatles, but he felt this artist helped give him new life after their breakup ...
Jimi Hendrix was famous for his ability as a live performer, but his final gig was almost completely ruined as the Hell's ...
Any time Robert De Niro's name is attached to a project, people are likely to watch it. However, there's one that he thinks ...
After her Bruno Mars collaboration 'Die with a Smile' charted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, Lady Gaga has made ...
Most guitarists can only hope to make the guitar sing, but these musicians have made everyone's perception of them slightly ...
Graham Nash takes inspiration from everywhere. There was even a classic song by his band CSN that greatly inspired him when younger.