Sure, “CEQA Works,” but not as well as it should. The landmark California Environmental Quality Act, a sharp tool for protecting the state’s natural patrimony from reckless and unquestioned ...
American greatness was long premised on the common assumption that each generation would do better than the previous one. That is being undermined for the emerging millennial generation. Downward ...
A simple request from the Trump Justice Department to the Census Bureau to add a single question to the 2020 federal census is causing a huge uproar among liberal and Democratic groups because it ...
Governor Jerry Brown did a bit of crowing over his political successes while laying out an aggressive agenda in his State of the State speech. The governor declared the state fixed – premature at best ...
Finley Peter Dunne, a humorist and newspaper columnist at the turn of the 20 th Century famously said in making decisions, “The Supreme Court follows election returns.” The question for California is ...
California Forward was launched a decade ago with significant support from major foundations to be a dynamic and compelling force in transforming government. I was honored to be invited to serve on ...
Recently, pundits have suggested – even here on these pages – that but for the absence state involvement, California wouldn’t be suffering its worst housing crisis ever. One pro-industry advocacy ...
It’s the California State University and community colleges. According to a landmark study for the Equality Opportunity Project, Stanford’s Raj Chetty and coauthors found that certain state and ...
California’s political leaders, the generals of the so-called Trump resistance, may be surprised that they don’t have as many troops behind them as they imagined according to the new Golden State Poll ...
(Editor’s note: Yesterday Mark Baldassare, president and CEO of the Public Policy Institute of California testified before the Little Hoover Commission about interactions between state government and ...
Governor Jerry Brown and his Finance Department are putting finishing touches on his final budget to be presented soon. This is a second time that Brown has wrapped up two terms as Governor of ...
In the November election, California voters passed several ballot initiatives acting on liberal priorities, and votes for Hillary Clinton in the state exceeded votes for Donald Trump by a two-to-one ...