Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are all visible to the naked eye just after the sun goes down. Neptune and Uranus can also be spotted, but binoculars or a telescope are needed for that.
Both Venus and Saturn will be in the Aquarius constellation, the water bearer, during their close approach. To help spot it, viewers should look towards the south in the evening sky, using the bright star Fomalhaut in the nearby Piscis Austrinus constellation as a guide to locate Aquarius.
Four major planets Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, will align in January 2025, offering a rare celestial display, with Mars reaching opposition on January 15-16.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot storm, which usually appears dark-red, can be seen shining a lurid blue color in an ultraviolet image of the planet.
Everyone's talking about it on social media. The great planetary alignment is coming on Jan. 25, when all the planets will be in a line and visible in the night sky. Breathtaking and magical, and ...
Research and development is underway to create robots that can hunt for signs of life in the vast oceans that exist under the thick ice shells of bodies like Europa.
The planet parade will be visible all month, but Tuesday, Jan. 21 will be a particularly good time to see it, according to Forbes. The moon will be in its last quarter phase and will only appear half-lit. NASA reports Venus and Saturn will appear the closest Jan. 17 and Saturday, Jan. 18.
Alignments of five or more planets are rare—there will be two more featuring five or more planets this year, but after that the next won’t happen until 2040.
Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Saturn will align in the sky on Jan. 21, resulting in both astronomical and astrological significance in the cosmos
Any clear, cloudless night this month is ideal to spot the planets. To get in on the sighting, go outside on a clear night a few hours after sunset and face south, said Kevin Williams, planetarium director at Buffalo State University.
Plus: Saturn’s moon Iapetus is visible, our Moon passes the bright star Spica, and Mars skims south of Pollux in Gemini in the sky this week.