Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday rejected the corruption charges levelled by the Congress-led UDF over various issues, including the government’s permission for a private company to establish a brewery plant in Palakkad and the purchase of PPE kits during the time of Covid-19 pandemic.
Authorities in southern India have detained almost 50 men suspected of repeatedly raping and sexually abusing a girl from the age of 13.
Kerala Governor Rajendra Viswanath Arlekar called on former state chief minister V S Achuthanandan at his residence in Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday and inquired about his health from his family members.
Kerala Minister for Industries, Law, and Coir P Rajeev said that states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Gujarat have reported a higher number of labour strikes compared to his state
Protests against the proposed nuclear power plant in Cheemeni, in Kasaragod district of Kerala, are gaining momentum with activists from various quarters voicin
In idyllic settings around India’s coastal southwestern state of Kerala, photographer Keerthana Kunnath has been capturing images of muscular women flexing their heroic forms. Amid foaming waves, palm fronds or rocky outcrops the women curl biceps ...
KOCHI: Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has partnered with Business Finland, a Finnish government organisation for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion, for the upcoming satellite event in India,
Bengaluru: Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inaugurated KaWaCHaM on January 21, 2025, an advanced weather alert system aimed at improving disaster preparedness and response during extreme weather events fueled by climate change.
Over the past five years, at least 1,000-1,200 persons have died every year in Kerala by drowning, young children and adolescents constituting a significant percentage of this number.
Kerala showcased its deep-tech innovations in healthcare, space, AI, and e-governance at the 55th WEF in Davos, emphasizing its strategic partnerships and research-driven policies. The discussions underscored Kerala's emergence as a digital and biotechnological hub,
Kerala highlights its contributions to deep tech, biotechnology, and e-governance at WEF 2025, showcasing innovation and global partnerships.
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