Once vassals to pharaohs, the Kushite kings of Nubia took control of Egypt for almost a century. Embracing Egyptian rituals, they created a culture that influenced both civilizations.
Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a 3,500-year-old royal house used by a prominent pharaoh in northeast Egypt.
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed the remains of a multi-skilled wizard-doctor who treated the pharaohs some 4,000 ... the culture and daily life of ancient Egypt, the ministry noted.
Archaeologists have unveiled a 4,100-year-old tomb belonging to a physician who treated the Egyptian Pharaohs ... Although there is evidence of ancient looting on burial grounds from that time ...
The chamber holds a stone coffin engraved with the physician’s name and titles ... The doctor may have served under Pepi II, a pharaoh of ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom around the 23rd century ...