Google is shaking things up a bit for the release of Android 16. While we typically see a new version of Android in the third quarter of the year, 2025 will mark the beginning of a new annual ...
Washington, Jan 31 (PTI) Describing China as a grave national security threat to America, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has said that the history of the 21st century will largely be about what ...
The Romanian MND provided a low-resolution image of the 16th F-16 acquired from Norway landing at the 71st Air Base at Campia Turzii. This event triggered the completion of the standing up of the ...
Romania received another F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from Norway this week, completing the 48th Fighter Squadron with a full fleet of 16 fighter jets. The aircraft landed at the "General Emanoil ...
BucureÈ™ti, 30 ian /Agerpres/ - O aeronavă F-16 Fighting Falcon, achiziÈ›ionată de România de la Regatul Norvegiei, a aterizat joi în Baza 71 Aeriană 'General Emanoil Ionescu', de la Câmpia Turzii, ...
Două aeronave F-16 ale ForÈ›elor Aeriene Române au decolat din Baza 86 Aeriană de la Borcea, transmite MApN. Ministerul Apărării anunță că sistemele de monitorizare È™i supraveghere au semnalat joi ...
For more than 100 years, the continent of Eurasia has played a central role in global geopolitics. In the 20th century, numerous authoritarian powers from Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Soviet ...
Atacuri cu drone în Ucraina au avut loc pe malul Dunării, lângă frontiera cu România. Două aeronave F-16 au decolat de la Baza 86 Aeriană Borcea pentru monitorizarea situaÅ£iei de la graniță. De ...
Care este efectul rontaielilor dintre mese aflam acum. Ce inseamna, de fapt, pauza alimentara? Intrerup alimentatia 12-16 ore. In aceasta pauza, scade glicemia, scad grasimile din sange si se ...
A 16th Century pub that closed in 2018 has reopened, after being saved by the community. The Hop Pole Inn was at risk of redevelopment before being bought by the Limpley Stoke Community Benefit ...
Un sistem robotizat de măsurare a calităţii aerului va funcÅ£iona, în premieră naÅ£ională, la BraÅŸov. InvestiÈ›ia se ridică la 1,18 milioane de lei, bani de la AdministraÈ›ia Fondului de Mediu, care a ...