Dark Souls 3 has a lot of weapons that players can use to their advantage to decimate their enemies. While some are small and based on Dexterity, others are massive and require incredible amounts ...
Getting as many Souls as possible per kill is always useful in Dark Souls 3. Here's how to get the Shield of Want to maximize ...
FromSoftware has included the Moonlight Greatsword in almost every game, and every version is special. In the Dark Souls series, the Moonlight Greatsword is a huge weapon capable of dealing ...
Raise the sword aloft, bathing it in the light of the dark moon. Temporarily increases magic attack power and imbues blade with frost. Charged attacks release blasts of moonlight.
The Dark Moon Greatsword is a Greatsword in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Intelligence and secondarily with Strength and Dexterity. The weapon comes equipped by default with the Moonlight ...