The figure for the number of callers cut off was published by the National Audit Office (NAO) in May last year but MPs have highlighted it among fears HMRC was running down its own helpline. Sir ...
The initiative to launch an online platform for Customs and Excise approvals has been halted after a government spending ...
The National Audit Office said the Government “lacks ... HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) most recent figures, from 2022-23, ...
CEO refutes ‘baseless’ claims made in PAC report that tax agency ‘has been willing to let its telephone services fail in the ...
I've had an email today purporting to be from HMRC asking me to 'confirm the accuracy of my last submission' by clicking a link.
MPs have accused HMRC of deliberately running a poor phone service for customers in an attempt to push them online instead.
HMRC has confirmed that the Modernising Authorisations project has been dropped following a spending audit by the UK ...
PAC report says HMRC has been “too willing to let its telephone services fail in the hope this forces people to use its digital services instead” ...
The figure for the number of callers cut off was published by the National Audit Office (NAO) in May last year, but MPs have highlighted it among fears HMRC was running down its own helpline.
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Cardiff Council said it has learnt lessons from the HMRC landfill tax dispute which will see it have to pay out £16m ...
Aspire was a technology agreement made in 2004 with Capgemini and Fujitsu for HMRC's IT systems. Originally aimed to last for 10 years and with a budget of $7.9bn ($9.72bn), it was extended to 2017 ...