Prime properties like the Indian Premier League (IPL) see CPMs over Rs 270. Social media ads targeted at Maha Kumbh pilgrims are estimated to cost 20-40 percent higher than standard rates in non ...
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis ... All debts were erased, family property that had been lost or sold for debt was returned; everyone was set free to return to their family and their property ...
More than 3,000 people have signed a petition urging the owners of a chapel-turned bar in a Maryland hotel to abstain from serving liquor from the former high altar.
both said they would prefer to see the school building, which opened in 1887, kept standing by any future owner. Closed since about 2018 — Holy Angels School is now housed in a former Chicago ...
I am not startled or surprised to see this young man and his sheep ... SHEPHERDING IS a long-time tradition in the Holy Land, dating back to pre-biblical times. Adam’s son, Ebel, was a shepherd ...
After a stellar year in terms of traveller numbers and new products, industry leaders wish to capitalise on the forward ...
Today, Andrew and Anne and their baby boy live on their 65-acre farm in western Pennsylvania, purchased a year ago, and have ...
The College of the Holy Cross and a Boston-based real estate development company have purchased a property that used to be ...
As organized religion continues to lose its influence, why are living spaces that look like modern chapels having a moment?
The story of Denis Law's life is a tale of the pauper who became 'The King'. The Manchester United and Scotland great, who has died aged 84, was the youngest of seven children when he was born in ...