Your solar panels are only as good as the inverter they’re connected to. This often-overlooked component is vital for optimising energy harvest and ensuring the long-term reliability of your solar ...
Some of the suspects are also being investigated by ICA for alleged breaches of national registration regulations. Of the 13 suspects, four of them, aged between 26 and 38, have been charged so far.
This was purportedly done to gain access to the Singpass computer system, allowing unknown people to access the ICA e-services to change the NRIC-registered addresses of multiple victims.
SINGAPORE: Three Singaporeans have been charged over unauthorised attempts to change residential addresses on an online service provided by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
Some among the 13 are also being investigated by ICA for alleged breaches of the National Registration Regulations. ICA had said earlier that as at Jan 13, it found a total of 87 unauthorised ...