One of the biggest problems with peel-and-stick wallpaper is that it won’t stick to the walls as well as conventional wallpapers, especially in rooms with lots of moisture exposure. So, peel-and-stick ...
Smita Prakash, chief inspiration officer at Indriya Store and secretary at P.E.I. Designers and Decorators Guild, thinks that ...
My husband and I live in a prewar apartment building in Brooklyn with very sturdy brick construction and no central air ...
Simply peel it off before you move out! This gorgeous apartment living room by @kfogara features peel and stick wallpaper by ...
If you're trying to update your kitchen on a budget, you don't need to settle for a tile backsplash. Instead, consider these ...
This small update absolutely transformed my counters from stained off-white to shiny marble, and it was the most ...
Baseboards may not be the focal point of a room, but they make a huge difference to the overall aesthetics. Here's a ...
Adhesive curtain rods are easy and convenient to install, but will they hold up to the moisture of the average bathroom? It ...