Though mobsters terrorised Sicily for decades, harsh crackdowns in the 1990s and early 2000s seriously weakened the Cosa ...
Italian police arrested 181 suspected mafia members in a major raid, dealing a “hard blow” to Cosa Nostra’s attempt at a ...
Bei einer Großrazzia gegen die sizilianische Mafia sind in der Nacht auf Dienstag in Palermo und Umgebung über 180 ...
Bei einer größeren Anti-Mafia-Razzia in Palermo (Italien) ist es zu Verhaftungen zahlreicher Mafia-Mitglieder gegeben. Auch ...
Around 130 people were arrested on Tuesday in a large-scale sting against the Sicilian mafia in Palermo, indicating that it ...
A total of 1,200 officers were involved in the operation aimed at dismantling mafia clans in several districts of the capital ...
Italian police arrest 150 in major Sicilian Mafia crackdown, revealing ongoing grip on Palermo despite decline in power.
Warrants were issued against a total of 183 people, 36 of whom were already in custody, for crimes including attempted murder, extortion and drug trafficking, police said.
The Italian government on Tuesday arrested no fewer than 130 people in a large-scale sting against the Sicilian mafia in ...
Mafia godfathers in Sicily have been caught on wiretaps lamenting the “miserable” calibre of new recruits as nearly 150 ...