Reports claiming the Palestinian Authority canceled its "pay for slay" terror rewards program have been questioned by critics ...
Palestinians say the fatal shooting of a pregnant 23-year-old in a refugee camp in the northern West Bank signals a worrying ...
As the war moves to the West Bank, Palestinian security forces stun residents as they operate in occupied streets in ...
Israeli police raided two Palestinian bookstores in occupied east Jerusalem on Sunday, confiscating books and arresting one ...
The police said the stores were selling books that supported terrorism and that two members of the family who owned the ...
Israeli police have raided a long-established Palestinian-owned bookstore in east Jerusalem, detaining the owners and ...
Israeli police have raided a long-established Palestinian-owned bookstore in east Jerusalem, detaining the owners and ...
To spend a rush hour these days at any of the traffic-snarled checkpoints outside Palestinian cities in the West Bank is to ...
Israeli police have raided a long-established Palestinian-owned bookstore in east Jerusalem, detaining the owners and confiscating books about the decades-long conflict ...
Palestinian Authority's president orders end to paying families of prisoners involved in violence against Israel ...
Israeli forces shot a young woman who was 8 months pregnant then blocked medics from attempting to save her unborn child in ...