Put simply: you have free access to content outside of mainstream rotation. We've put together this handy guide to unlock decades-old classics or something you may have never heard of before which you ...
These conditions set the stage for a series of frost quakes, a rare phenomenon some meteorologists and hydrologists also refer to as “cryoseisms.” Unlike earthquakes, which are caused by shifting ...
This video from JEA details” space heater safety. On the water side of utility service, JEA says when temperatures are heading toward the freezing point, turn on outside faucets so they drip in a ...
so spare a thought for poor little Jack Frost, a dog who was forced to spend a whole night outside in the midst of a winter storm. Thankfully, he lived to tell the tale. The Golden Retriever was ...
Flowing water often breaks up ice before freezing, Yonkers DPW adds: "When outside temperatures remain below freezing, it's less expensive to run your faucet regularly than for you to repair a ...
When a freeze warning is issued, it’s time to protect your faucets. In Southern states, many people take precautions ahead of the first cold front since outdoor faucets are typically unused ...
Conversely, the answer is "yes" if your water comes from a water tower (some areas outside of Houston). "We don't advise Houstonians to drip their faucets in the cold. The city of Houston is ...
Things get frosty in our KNWA Today/FOX24 studio! Watch as Andrew Blann and NWA’s very own Yeti, join the morning shows with details on this year’s Frost Fest event.
These conditions set the stage for a series of frost quakes, a rare phenomenon some meteorologists and hydrologists also refer to as “cryoseisms.” Unlike earthquakes, which are caused by shifting ...