The meteoritic rise in number of modern churches embedded within crowded estates in Nairobi is increasingly becoming a silent concern to residents and landlords.
The Nairobi County Chief Officer in charge of Environment has warned the city dwellers to be extra cautious when buying and ...
The number of floors in Riverside, Parklands and Ngara West will be 20, while in Muthangari, Kileleshwa and Kilimani they ...
The Star Worldwide (English) on MSN13h
Nairobi pollution kills 2,500 people per year
Nairobi is updating its greenhouse gas inventory to trace sources of emissions blamed for respiratory ailments.Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja said some 2,500 Nairobi residents die annually from the ...
"I fairly know many places. I would tell you the roads in Northern Kenya the way I would tell you the ones in Central, ...