During his presidency, Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971, which established the National Cancer Institute (NCI) ...
The total funding amount awarded to Moffitt last year, $44.7 million, was once again the highest in Florida and nearly double ...
Allison Ciaccio had a respiratory illness that wouldn't go away. Repeated follow-ups found Stage I lung cancer.
Few people understand the costs and complexities of cancer better than Helen Parsons, a cancer survivorship researcher at the ...
Some oncologists suggest that, for certain early cancers not at risk of spreading, the term “cancer” should be avoided.
Innovative research for a dog cancer treatment from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine has shown early ...
ROCHESTER, Minn. - According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated two million new cases of cancer were diagnosed ...
A Georgia developer is looking to bring what they call “courtyard cottage living” to Columbia County. Dougherty isn’t alone, ...
Can pollution cause it? What about inflammation? And how do tumors spread? Here’s what scientists are learning about this ...
A data analysis from a randomized clinical trial for stage 3 colon cancer patients by investigators at Dana-Farber Brigham ...
The Government is “looking carefully” at introducing routine screening for prostate cancer as developments in technology are ...
If Maggie O'Neil can't find a bone marrow match among family members, she'll have to turn to an anonymous donor through the ...