This creature feature tells the story of Blake (Christopher Abbott), husband, father and struggling writer living in San ...
"Wolf Man" is the first movie reboot to premiere in 2025. Here are the other 10, from DC's "Superman" to two "Frankenstein" ...
“Wolf Man” tells the story of Blake Lovell (Christopher Abbott), his wife Charlotte (Julia Garner) and their daughter Ginger ...
A concept artist who worked on Leigh Whannell's Wolf Man has unveiled some of his alternate designs for the titular monster. Are they better, or worse? Have a look and let us ...
Goodness Gracious, this is one of the worst werewolf movies I've ever seen. While Leigh Whannell does a great job directing ...
Leigh Whannell’s Wolf Man manages to strip the genre of its last shreds of dignity, replacing suspense with an onslaught of gore and nonsense.
The opening scene of the Wolf Man reboot is tense, atmospheric, and mysterious. It writes a check that the rest of the movie ...
Since two new releases made about $11 million each at the domestic box office this past weekend, and since I don’t have much ...
The new film “Wolfman” is another of those contemporary movies that manages to tell a story without meaning anything.
In “Wolf Man,” the primal terror of a man turning into a monster becomes a gripping metaphor for a troubled marriage, as ...
Review - Australian writer-director Leigh Whannell takes a crack at a famous monster - and finds something new, Dan Slevin ...