Senate Bill 2 would set aside $1 billion in taxpayer money to give some parents $10,000 vouchers to spend at private schools.
After hours of testimony Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Education advanced Senate Bill 2, a school voucher bill, setting it ...
Late Tuesday night the Texas Education Committee voted to advance State Bill 2 with a 9-2 Republican majority pushing the ...
Under Senate Bill 2, families whose income is 500% at or below the federal poverty level would be considered a low-income ...
The Senate could vote on the proposal as soon as next week. Democrats on Tuesday criticized the bill saying it fails to ...
The proposal, a priority of Gov. Greg Abbott, budgets $1 billion over the next two years to fund the private school vouchers.
A funding proposal would allow up to 100,000 K-12 students who want to enroll to a private school to participate.
The Texas Senate is proposing $1 billion annually for a school voucher program. Sen. Brandon Creighton has now filed SB 2.
A proposal to create a school voucher-like plan for Texas was advanced by the Texas Senate Education Committee on Tuesday ...
A Texas Senate Committee has approved a school choice bill, allowing families to use tax dollars for private school education ...
Legislation to create an education savings account program that would cost an initial $1 billion and serve nearly 100,000 ...
The Texas Senate Committee on K-16 Education advanced the bill, which would give families money for private schooling using ...