What do devotees do on Thaipusam? Devotees usually start their preparations 48 days (one mandala) before Thaipusam by fasting ...
Tanggul Sungai Bodri yang berada di Dusun Babadan, Desa Kebonharjo, Kecamatan Patebon, Kendal, jebol pada Selasa (21/1) dini hari. Rumah warga dan jalan raya Patebon terendam banjir luapan air Sungai ...
Liputan6.com, Grobogan - Tanggul Sungai Tuntang jebol menyebabkan banjir melanda puluhan desa di Kabupaten Grobogan Jateng. Selain rumah, banjir juga menggenangi akses jalan, hingga jalur rel kereta ...
Perak MCA has criticised state government leaders, particularly training its guns on those from DAP, over the local government’s plans to expand restrictions on alcohol sales in Ipoh. Its ...
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 — Imagine this: You’re on your way to work in Sungai Besar, Selangor, and you spot someone walking down the street wrapped up like a mummy. Witnesses took to social media today to ...
The Sabah Umno’s Sungai Sibuga assemblyman was laid to rest at Bintang Baru Cemetery, Rancangan Sungai Manila, before the Zuhur prayer on Monday (Jan 20). Mohamad Hamsan had been in and out of ...
KOMPAS.com - Pemerintah bakal menangani sampah plastik yang diperkirakan mengalir melalui empat sungai di Jawa dan dua sungai di Bali hingga terdampar di sejumlah pantai di Pulau Dewata. Hal tersebut ...
IPOH, Jan 19 — A man who was reported missing since Thursday was found dead, believed to have drowned in Sungai Perak, near Kampung Changkat Parah, Parit yesterday. Malaysian Fire and Rescue ...
A month into operations, the new Sin Yoon Loong outlet at Perak Turf Club (PTC) in Ipoh presents a tale of two journeys. The architectural achievement is immediately evident – a thoughtfully restored ...
Perak tourism committee chairman said operators of these locations cannot just be happy with the revenues and earnings they have generated but need to continue improving. "We've seen some new ...
Viral sungai di Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, menghitam diduga tercemar lindi TPA Banyuroto. DLH merespons dan segera memperbaikinya. Debat Publik Kedua Pilgub Jabar 2024: Paslon Acep-Gita soroti pencemaran ...
Home » Perak Perak Public Holidays 2026 This page contains a calendar of all 2026 public holidays for Perak. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back ...