If you don’t know the rules for using roundabouts in South Carolina, here are some guidelines to help brush up on blinker ...
There was a total of 60 crashes last year that resulted in severe injuries or deaths -- an average of more than one per week -- a 54 percent rise over the 39 reported in 2023. Last year's total also ...
Newsroom is open 24 hours, please reach us by email at [email protected] or by phone Monday through Friday 9-5. You can place DBA (Fictitious Business Name Statement) orders online by clicking on t ...
Transgender issues motivated voters in the presidential election, but lawmakers brushed them swiftly aside Thursday.
Anacortes recently received an award for being a "bike friendly community." In recent years, the city has become more ...
A pedestrian on a bicycle suffered major injuries in a crash on Thursday evening in Lamont, according to the California | ...
The proposal would allow cyclists to yield at stop signs and treat red lights as cars treat stop signs: stopping first, then ...
During the Kingston City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, council members approved the master plan for the ...
Thoughtful design of sidewalks, intersections, bike lanes, and traffic control features on our roadways empowers safe mobility and a better quality of life for all.
Chunky snow and ice in the bike lane on Greenwood Avenue posed a problem even for the special mountain tires — laced with ...
Caltrans' focus on revamping the busy Manuel T. Freitas Parkway interchange is probably overdue. It's been a traffic problem for a long time. While it may not have a history of traffic accidents, it ...
Law enforcement have expressed concerns with the possibility of cyclists misjudging oncoming traffic, leading to crashes.