At the beginning, the whole documentation will be on GitHub, starting from this file, to make it easier to have the big picture, maintain and cmd + F. At some point, I'll consider having a beautiful ...
Find information about opening hours for the NTU libraries, Information Desks, our Library@ Library-Managed Study Spaces, and our 24/7 Study Zones. Our libraries have extended opening hours, but when ...
After the Spellow Library in Liverpool was targeted during England’s unrest last summer, more than 10,000 people donated to its restoration. By Lynsey Chutel Reporting from Liverpool ...
Garnes has spent over 30 years as a practitioner championing books for Black children as a public and school library director and as the founder of the nonprofit Aunt Lil’s Reading Room. Michael L.
The United States Senate Library — located in the basement of the Russell Senate office building in Washington D.C. — offers a slew of prominently displayed woke titles pumping everything from ...
CLEVELAND — Kimberly Hunter can’t wait to open the doors at the Cleveland Public Library’s new Martin Luther King Jr. campus, a project that’s been a decade in the making. The two-story ...