Guy Gardner explores Green Lantern history in "Fractured Spectrum" by Jeremy Adams and V. Ken Marion. Discover Guy's ...
World domination is merely a formality at this point. Now, let's unwrap this holiday treat: Green Lantern Dark #2, hitting stores on Thursday, December 26th. Here's the synopsis, served with a ...
Although he’s thought of as an ‘80s character primarily, Guy Gardner first appeared in 1968’s Green Lantern #59. In that issue, they established that the dying alien Abin Sur, who bequeathed ...
Fractured Spectrum #1 hits comic shops and digital retailers on Wednesday, and you can get yourself a sneak peek right now with the official preview below… Following the events of the Civil Corps, a ...
It is Guy Gardner, portrayed by Nathan Fillion. So, what is so exciting about Gardner, aka Green Lantern, in Superman? Here is everything you need to know about this iconic character in the film ...