Texas, is introducing legislation Thursday aimed at increasing transparency in tracking Mexican cartel members who have ...
"The cartels have increased and actually escalated their threats and are actually using drones to drop explosives on rival ...
The violence in Nuevo Laredo, just south of Texas, followed the arrest of an alleged local cartel leader known as "El Ricky." ...
Mexican authorities have captured Ricardo Gonzalez Sauceda, AKA "El Ricky" or "Mando R," who has been identified as the ...
Federal agents working the border are also advised to “carry proper equipment” at all times, including first-aid kids, tourniquets and body armor. The memo also notes that rifles ...
"If there is such an alliance anywhere, it is in the U.S. gun shops that sell high-powered weapons to these criminal groups," ...
A fourth person has been charged in connection with a Mexican drug cartel kidnapping, in which authorities say a man was held ...
According to Luis Chaparro, the FBI decided to advance El Mini Lic's arrest due to hints that he was trying to rejoin the ...
The drug cartels in Mexico might soon be facing the wrath of US President Donald Trump as revealed by the Defense Secretary ...