The“Finanças” Building-Service Centre 1: Ground floor, the “Finanças” Building, 575, 579 & 585 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macao. Macao Government Services Centre-Taxation: 52 Rua Nova da Areia Preta, ...
Holders of a valid “Non-resident Worker’s Identification Card” and their dependants; Students possessing valid “Temporary Authorization to Stay” (aka “red stamp”) or “Special Authorization to Stay” ...
Application at counter (applicants are required to obtain a number tag in advance. For the methods to obtain the tag number, please refer to “Methods to Obtain Tag Number and Appointment” of the ...
Rua Sul de Entre Lagos, Complexo da Plataforma de Serviços para a Cooperação Comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa, Edifício de escritório, 1.º - 3.º andar, Macau ...
If the marital status is changed to married: (1) If the expectant spouses are holding valid electronic Macao SAR Resident Identity Cards, at the time of applying for marriage registration at the Civil ...
招商投資促進局主辦的“‘澳門好貨’商匯館展銷專場 X 高瑪生活百貨”今 (20)起一連8日舉行,攜手10家商匯館展商過百款澳門商品解鎖三個 “首次” ,包括首次走進本地民生區大型超市、首次上架該超市的外賣平台線上店,和首次線下線上同步展銷。
近日,首場以“預防誤吸、誤吞異物及哽塞處理”為主題的社區健康講座在工聯台暉長者服務中心圓滿舉辦。是次講座聚焦長者日常生活與飲食場景,深入淺出地講解了預防誤吸、誤吞及哽塞的專業知識;同時,透過現場活動示範、趣味問答遊戲等形式,幫助長者更好地理解和掌握相 ...
澳門特別行政區政府入口網站 新聞 經濟財政司司長戴建業列席立法會全體會議,回應議員提出的口頭質詢。 下一篇:運輸工務司司長譚偉文列席立法會全體會議,回應議員提出的口頭質詢。
旅遊局持續透過資助計劃,鼓勵澳門社團舉辦多元旅遊活動或項目,帶動社區經濟。旅遊局於2月份資助社團舉辦的活動: “戲說百年導賞團” 及 “新春戲班 x 花車創意市集” ,讓居民和旅客體驗澳門的多元“旅遊+”魅力。