Last spring, the world’s most-visited art museum, the Louvre in Paris, proposed moving its most popular artwork—Leonardo da ...
French President Emanuel Macron Tuesday announced plans for a major renovation of the Louvre in Paris, the world's ...
French President Emmanuel Macron compared the facelift to the rebuilding of the Notre Dame cathedral, which is still ongoing ...
The iconic Louvre in Paris is no stranger to crowds. Since first opening in 1793, the museum has played host to millions of ...
A leaked memo from a Louvre director has sparked calls from an Italian official to return the Mona Lisa to Italy. As ...
President Emmanuel Macron announced plans to alleviate crowds at the Paris museum and to charge higher fees for visitors from ...
French President Emmanuel Macron laid out an ambitious plan for a "reimagined, restored and expanded" Louvre. An art critic ...
An Italian official has called for France’s Louvre Museum to temporarily return the Mona Lisa as the museum faces concerns of ...