The Samsung Galaxy Ring was launched in India at Rs. 38,999. While the price on the company's website remains the same, customers can use the coupon code "GALAXYRING," to get a Rs. 10,000 discount ( ...
Chinese Phone blog dedicated to providing breaking news, expert reviews, Chinese Phones, Android Apps, Chinese Android Tablets and how tos.
High-resolution security cameras that look this good rarely come this cheap, so grab this Tapo 2K security camera for $25 on Amazon!
Chinese Phone blog dedicated to providing breaking news, expert reviews, Chinese Phones, Android Apps, Chinese Android Tablets and how tos.
The iPhone SE is a great option for those who want an iPhone on a budget. But what's coming next for the iPhone SE? Here's ...
The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is the ultimate Android handset with top-of-the-line power, terrific cameras, a built-in stylus, and the most innovative AI features we've seen in a phone to date.
You can save $90 at Amazon on what is arguably one of the best Ring cameras available -- the Ring Stick Up Cam Pro.