A new study shows black holes can form without singularities, using only modifications to Einstein’s equations.
A Milky Way collision with a supermassive black hole might be closer than we thought. Hidden deep in the Large Magellanic Cloud dwarf galaxy that orbits the Milky Way on an ever-closing loop, signs of ...
The black holes rip the stars apart and consume their stellar debris — becoming more massive, Northwestern explained. This increases their gravitational pull and draws them together as they orbit..
Players who were online at the time could jump to the planetary system in question and behold the destruction of what’s been one of the big battlefields in the Galactic War that began back when ...
New data reveals a 3-million-light-year filament connecting two galaxies, each of which hosts a supermassive black hole.
Fast-moving stars zooming through our galaxy might have been slingshotted from a black hole inside the neighbouring Large ...