Looking for information on Municipal Airport, Paranagua, Brazil? Know about Municipal Airport in detail. Find out the location of Municipal Airport on Brazil map and also find out airports near to ...
A former city councillor in Brazil has returned a toilet and two sinks she had removed from her office after losing a bid for re-election. Footage of one of Janaína Lima's employees hauling away ...
Brazil's Bolsa Família Program (BFP), one of the world's largest conditional cash transfer programmes, was responsible for the reduction of more than half the number of tuberculosis cases and ...
“I want to highlight my defense of daylight saving time as policy for the country,” Alexandre Silveira, Brazil’s mining and energy minister, said in October. People and governments all over ...
We’ve all been there—staring at a Microsoft Word document that just doesn’t look quite right. Maybe the text feels cramped, the formatting is inconsistent, or that image you inserted refuses ...
Bolsonaro bit back, accusing Macron of treating Brazil like "a colony or no-man's land." And on Tuesday, he demanded Macron withdraw his insults. "'He must withdraw these words.'" "He called me a liar ...
A bolsa argentina superou as expectativas em 2024, deixando para trás até mesmo o Brasil, considerado o país mais estável e seguro para investimentos da América Latina. O rival nos campos de ...
O Brasil assume a presidência rotativa dos Brics a partir desta quarta-feira (1°). Em 2024, o grupo foi presidido pela Rússia. Em um comunicado, o Planalto disse que a presidência brasileira ...
Starting this Wednesday, January 1, 2025, Brazil officially takes the helm of BRICS, the prominent forum for political and economic cooperation among nations of the Global South. The presidency marks ...
A partir desta quarta-feira, 1º de janeiro de 2025, o Brasil assume a presidência do Brics. Em comunicado, o governo informou que a presidência brasileira no bloco terá o lema “Fortalecendo ...
O Brasil assume a partir desta quarta-feira (1º) a presidência do Brics, grupo que reúne diversos países, entre os quais o próprio Brasil, além de Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul.