Closing a credit card can affect your credit score, making it essential to follow the correct procedure. Proper cancellation can help manage spending and avoid penalties, but the impact on credit ...
There are rules that dictate when a debt collector can call you — and how many times they're allowed to do it.
Reports of unpaid debt can tank an otherwise strong credit score. The new CFPB rule would change that for about 15 million ...
Usually, 0% balance transfer cards offer a 0% rate for a limited period, such as 12 to 18 months. You can structure your debt ...
Personal loans offer a flexible way to access funds for various purposes, whether you’re consolidating debt or covering a ...
An emergency credit card can help with unexpected expenses, but make a plan to pay it off quickly to avoid interest charges.
Having an erroneous collection account on your credit report isn't a life sentence, though. There are laws in place to ...
Using a secured credit card responsibly now can help you build credit and qualify for a more rewarding card later.
M any Americans have seen higher credit card balances in recent months due to the current elevated-rate environment, an ...
America is once again marching toward a statutory debt ceiling standoff. In a familiar spectacle, lawmakers will clash, ...