People may be exposed to unhealthy levels of airborne pollutants inside their homes, even if the outdoor air quality is good, ...
Electrifying heavy-duty trucks reduces on-road emissions but shifts pollution burdens to power plants, with disadvantaged ...
Newborns exposed to higher levels of NO2 have a 30-35% higher risk of NICU admission and an 11-22% increased risk associated ...
The proposal is a bipartisan response to calls from business groups and Gov. Jared Polis — amid industry concerns about a ...
Alas, most things mean something for global warming.
But bringing that pine scent or other aromas indoors with the help of chemical products—yes, air fresheners, wax melts, floor ...
A team of researchers say they want to look at what exposure to toxins from thousands of burned structures does to people ...
PUCs at fuel stations will help people by offering checks at commonly visited places, ensuring compliance with emission norms ...
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Everyone loves a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, too often our air is anything but fresh.
Air pollution caused by auto emissions, wildfires and other sources is problematic for many people. It's of particular ...
Sending Caltrain cars to Peru will drive other countries down the wrong carbon emissions path with arcane technology.