When the UK joined the EU in the 70s it was known as the 'dirty man of Europe'. The i Paper looks at the data to see if ...
When the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was passed in the 1970s, eutrophication was the big problem. Eutrophication occurs when too many nutrients enter a body of water, increasing the amount of ...
As the map above shows ... Water bodies across Europe are also monitored for chemical pollution. Chemicals make their way into rivers through a variety of sources, including through the sewerage ...
The researchers used advanced computer modeling to produce maps of atmospheric lead pollution levels across Europe, analyzing how lead spread from known Roman mining and smelting sites.
Advanced computer modelling of atmospheric movement then produced maps of atmospheric lead pollution levels across Europe. The researchers identified likely reductions in IQ levels of at least two ...
The researchers used computer modeling of atmospheric movement to produce maps of lead pollution levels across Europe throughout the time periods. Pollution peaked around 180 BCE, after Roman ...
They also used advanced computer modeling to produce maps of atmospheric lead pollution levels across Europe. Then, they combined this information with research linking lead exposure to cognitive ...
A new European Wetland Map shows Europe's peatlands, floodplains and coastal wetlands more comprehensively than ever before ...
Outdoor air pollution alone is responsible for more than 327,000 premature ... The blue cross identifies background stations, while the red one identifies traffic stations. Map of Europe with a red ...
To work out what impact the pollution might have had, the scientists turned to atmospheric models to map how the lead would have spread across Europe. They then drew on modern studies to calculate how ...
Lead isotopes allowed the authors to identify mining and smelting operations throughout Europe as the likely source of pollution during this period. Advanced computer modeling of atmospheric movement ...