Amid recent technological advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, on January 17, 2025, the CFPB issued its Winter 2025 Supervisory Highlights: Advanced Technologies Special Edition.
"In the letters, we request the president that he provides reasons and that's in terms of the Administrative Justice Act to provide reasons within 10 days why the proclamation notice (to implement ...
DEAR News Of The Area, AT this time every year the main topic of conversation is the problem with jet skis – this year is no different. In what has become an emotive topic, let’s take a cool-headed ...
This letter is to urge the passage of the NYS HEAT Act and stop utilities from piping in more dirty, dangerous gas into our homes. We have too many respiratory diseases diminishing the quality ...
The comically named Credit Card Competition Act claims to help consumers, but it takes only a bit of research to find out that it’s being pushed by big box stores to put more money in their pockets at ...
The letter “Increasing ferry fares the right move” (Jan. 10) contains several misconceptions about Guemes Island and the proposed ferry fare increase. The islanders have never expected their ...
Dear Editor: A lasting legacy of President Biden may be the lives of 37 men whose death sentences he recently commuted. Like every act of mercy, Biden's decision is an act of creation. It makes ...
argue that the rule violates the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the bureau lacks the authority to issue such a ban. "Americans are frustrated by medical bills. But frustration does not justify ...
Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name, address and daytime phone number.
The best explanation for how the fair tax lowers taxes while increasing federal revenue: participation. Because the federal government has used the income tax as a weapon, it is too easy to ...
One way we can take a stand against human trafficking is by supporting fair trade products. Human trafficking is often found in our global supply chains, in industries like agriculture ...
The Invest in Our New York Act is a proposal that the ultrarich and the profitable corporations pay in their share of taxes. This in turn, will become public dollars in which the New York State ...