Thirty-seven German sailors were killed in the confrontation and Captain Langsdorff was wounded, along with 57 other of the Graf Spee's men. The Graf Spee was hit more than 30 times by shells ...
Die "Admiral Graf Spee" war zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Indischen Ozean und im Südatlantik auf Kaperfahrt und versenkte mehrere britische Frachtschiffe. Im Dezember 1939 lieferte sich ...
The first naval battle of World War II didn’t take place in Europe, but in the South Atlantic, near Argentina and Uruguay. On ...
A symbol of the German Navy the Graf Spee prowled the South Atlantic hunting and sinking allied merchant vessels before she was crippled and surrounded by a British flotilla in the River Plate.
Captain Hans Langsdorff stood in the harbor of Montevideo, knowing his time was running out. For months, the Graf Spee, Germany’s most successful commerce raider, had dominated the Atlantic, but the ...
Die "Admiral Graf Spee" war ebenfalls getroffen worden und zählte 36 Tote und rund 50 Verwundete. Der Kommandant entschloss sich, die uruguayische Hauptstadt Montevideo anzulaufen - sehr zur ...
The Sunderland-built steamer Newton Beech was one of the Graf Spee's conquests and she was sunk on October 5, 1939. She was a small ship, 4,615 tons, with a crew of 35 and was owned by Ridley ...
The small but immensely powerful Admiral Graf Spee was the pride of Hitler's naval fleet. Restricted to a limited size due to the impositions of the Treaty of Versailles, this 'pocket battleship ...
Anschließend machte sich die Fraktion ein Bild vom geplanten Bauvorhaben „Graf-Spee-Str.“. Oberbürgermeister Dr. Wingenfeld stellte das Bauvorhaben vor. 66 Wohnungen für Studierende und ...