More information Apply for a Home Depot credit card and seize the opportunity to earn $25 off on purchases of $25-$299, $50 off on purchases of $300-$999, or $100 off on purchases over $1,000.
At that point, I cancelled my order and requested a refund. A month later, I received my Home Depot credit card statement, with a late charge for non payment. I contacted customer service and ...
Apply for a Home Depot credit card and seize the opportunity to earn $25 off on purchases of $25-$299, $50 off on purchases of $300-$999, or $100 off on purchases over $1,000. Enroll today and ...
I couldn't agree more! @just n_gina spoke the truth when she said, "If I had this talent, my Lowes and Home Depot credit cards would be maxed out!" Another commenter asked what we were all ...