One of the biggest problems with peel-and-stick wallpaper is that it won’t stick to the walls as well as conventional wallpapers, especially in rooms with lots of moisture exposure. So, peel-and-stick ...
Smita Prakash, chief inspiration officer at Indriya Store and secretary at P.E.I. Designers and Decorators Guild, thinks that ...
Metal Gear Solid 4's iconic installation screen has been turned into an animated wallpaper for Wallpaper Engine.
My husband and I live in a prewar apartment building in Brooklyn with very sturdy brick construction and no central air ...
Simply peel it off before you move out! This gorgeous apartment living room by @kfogara features peel and stick wallpaper by ...
If you're trying to update your kitchen on a budget, you don't need to settle for a tile backsplash. Instead, consider these ...
This small update absolutely transformed my counters from stained off-white to shiny marble, and it was the most ...
Baseboards may not be the focal point of a room, but they make a huge difference to the overall aesthetics. Here's a ...
Adhesive curtain rods are easy and convenient to install, but will they hold up to the moisture of the average bathroom? It ...