Federal student aid is the best way to pay for college for several reasons. First, you may qualify for grants, which is money the government gives you that you don’t need to repay. Any loans you ...
A new report from the Government Accountability Office states that most goals to reduce foodborne illnesses in America have not been met. The GAO report points out that the safety and quality of ...
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a mission-driven organization that operates independently of the government. Also known as a civil society organization, an NGO may be established at the ...
The report summarizes what we heard during extensive consultations and will help advance the government’s digital transformation toward modern, integrated systems that respond to the needs of ...
Career-ready and world-ready. These are some of the big, bold statements you will find within This is Seneca Polytechnic, a dynamic new brand campaign from one of Canada’s largest postsecondary ...
The British government has effectively ruled out the idea of imposing a levy on U.S. streamers like Netflix amid a funding crisis for domestic scripted series. Sir Chris Bryant, the creative ...
Here’s more about the roles each branch plays in funding the government, and directing how federal dollars are spent. Congress decides what deserves funding, and how much. The Constitution gives ...
In their latest annual advisory report to the German federal government's Council of Experts, economists documented a continuing downturn across all sectors of the economy. Especially ...
Selena Gomez seemed unfazed after being threatened with deportation for crying over the immigration crackdown in the US. The Disney star-turned-pop-princess took to Instagram tonight with an ...
The northern Indian state of Uttarakhand has started implementing a common civil code to replace religious laws, a move that will likely trigger unease among India’s Muslim minority. Addressing ...
The Reagan strategy of destroying a government agency by appointing directors opposed to the very idea of the agency has reached its apotheosis. Now Republicans have decided to destroy agencies by ...
This content was provided by George Mason University. Everyone who works for or with the public sector — from federal employees to government contractors to academia — is trying to figure out what an ...