Researchers have detected early changes in brain scans and biomarkers in young people with the Huntington’s disease gene, 20 ...
In plain language. Written by scientists. For the global HD community.
Kurt attended graduate school at the University of Virginia. He was then a postdoctoral researcher in Neurology at the University of Florida in the laboratory of Drs. Pedro Fernandez-Funez and Diego ...
Dr. Sarah Hernandez is the Director of Research Programs at the Hereditary Disease Foundation (HDF). She carried out her postdoctoral work with Dr. Leslie Thompson at the University of California, ...
After earning her undergraduate degree from Yale University, Melissa pursued her PhD in neurobiology at Duke University with Don Lo. She continued to broaden her knowledge about the neuroscience of ...
Michael is a consultant neurologist in the department of neurology at the University of Ulm in Germany, and scientific projects manager for the European Huntington’s disease network. Michael trained ...
Ed is a neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK, and a Professor of Neurology at University College London where he is Associate Director of the Huntington’s ...
Please consider making a donation if you value the services that HDBuzz provides. We want HDBuzz to be sustainable so that we can continue to report unbiased science to the HD community. With your ...
Cell replacement therapy is making massive strides for other diseases. But what about Huntington’s disease? Can we use ...
Carlos is from Madrid, Spain and has been a Science enthusiast since he can remember. He received his technical education in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) and has been working in molecular cell ...