Terminator 2D

The legendary heroes Sarah Connor, John Connor and the T-800 are back in Terminator 2D: NO FATE, an upcoming officially ...
No Fate is a 2D action side-scroller that pays homage to the classic '80s and '90s arcade games while retelling the story of Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
No Fate travels back in time to give us a side-scrolling arcade take on James Cameron's 90s-era blockbuster movie.
The Terminator is back again with 16-bit violence and action in Terminator 2D: No Fate.
Where the heck did this come from?! Reef Entertainment has announced Terminator 2D: No Fate, a modern Mega Drive-style side-scrolling shooter based on the iconic 1991 movie.
Terminator 2 is one of the most iconic sci-fi stories told, but a brand-new game could be changing it altogether. Terminator ...
The Terminator is back! This time we will be the ones to decide how the fate of the world will turn out.
Every Terminator movie since T2 has tried to introduce a new actor as the face of the franchise, but no one can replace ...