women camping/hiking alone - Survivalist Forum
Aug 31, 2009 · This is a thread for women to share their experiences of hiking or camping alone- without men. Let's face it, men often take the lead role when in wilderness with their know-how and strength and desire to protect.
75th Ranger Regiment Trauma Management Team (Tactical) Ranger Medic Handbook FORWARD Historically in warfare, the majority of all combat deaths have occurred prior to a
Python Hunting - What Shotgun Round do you recommend
Mar 23, 2010 · "The Tuesday hearing put some of the first hard numbers on the staggering death toll from a historic cold snap -- nine of 10 pythons equipped with radio tracers in Everglades National Park died, according to one yet-to-be published study."
Creepy stories from the outdoors. | Survivalist Forum
May 16, 2009 · Well, it was on the edge of my mtn land where the national forest borders. I hoped it was a bear although the bears are supposed to be black but it could have been a rare cinnamon black bear. Another thing that I have seen more than once is looking at a tree and a small branch and dead twigs move like someone plucked at them.
List of Legal Personal Radio Service Frequencies - US Only
Jul 29, 2011 · A odd thing happened a couple of weeks ago. We use MURS radios to talk around the farm and haven't heard any others use these frequencies - all of a sudden I'm talking to two other guys.
SHTF Survivalist Radio Frequency Lists
Jun 24, 2013 · = 146.520 National Simplex Calling = 146.535 Simplex all areas * 146.550 Simplex all areas = 146.565 Simplex & T-hunts (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146.580 Simplex all areas = 146.595 Simplex (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146.610 Repeaters all areas * Compatible with Mil Surplus and Forest-Fire HTs using 25 kHz channel spacing UHF Frequencies:
Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. Order No. DE92019786
Bushcraft Shelters on Public Lands Legal? | Survivalist Forum
Jan 9, 2014 · Much depends on the type of public land. In a Texas state park, for instance, you cannot even collect firewood without risking a sizable fine. The national forest right next door could care less. I believe rules vary by park for National parks around here. In my county, you can collect firewood and burn it in pits, but the next county over you ...
Accuracy difference between the Springfield M1A Standard...
Feb 7, 2010 · Well put Funfaler. (Saved me a bunch of typing). I would rather have a std than a loaded for the purpose of a go to/SHTF rifle.
good wool blanket | Page 2 | Survivalist Forum